During those first few months he’d told himself that people are their souls and a soul cannot be taken from you. The soul of someone you love is forever with you and grows with you. It is not something fossilised and static but you can actually talk with people who are not physically there and they actually reply and react to situations. They laugh and cry with you and can talk to you reassuringly and even praise you or scold you. Or forgive you. He now knew that this is very true, but there is also pain in remembering and it is not always easy or possible to remember, and even when you can remember, it is not enough and you cannot talk with those who are not actually there with you as if they were there, physically present. It is a recipe for madness. But tonight it wasn’t like that. For he no longer spoke to her or tried to conjure up her presence beside him. He uttered no words, not even in his mind, but just felt her like something softly glowing within himself, something tenderly aglow inside himself.
© Copyright 2004 Allan Riger-Brown
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